Best affordable company to purchase essential oils from. || Gya Labs Essential Oils on Amazon.

 Gya Labs

Best affordable essential oil company.


Hey there, besties! Recently, I've been getting into essential oils after a lifetime of thinking they were useless. Like always, I did more research and learned a lot. Once I started using them in ways that I know I'll benefit from, I was blown away! I discovered a brand that makes top-quality essential oils that are affordable and you can get them on Amazon! Gya Labs has a wide variety of products to choose from and most of them are multi-use. Today I'm gonna tell you about my 2 newest essential oils I tried. Learn more about them and essential oils in general down below!

- What is an essential oil? -
(answer found on Wikipedia)

An essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile chemical compounds from plants. Essential oils are also known as volatile oils, ethereal oils, aetheroleum, or simply as the oil of the plant from which they were extracted, such as oil of clove.


🪷 Who is Gya Labs? -

Gya Labs is a company that truly believes in the power of natural wellness. That feeling great should be easily attainable for everyone equally. Just from checking out their website alone, you can see that they really care about their customers and the products they make. They have so much information on their website so we can all make informed purchases. Gya Labs just wants to empower people to love themselves and to enjoy the process of self-care.

For example, this is a quote from the founders themselves - "Gya Labs isn’t just an essential oils brand, but a space that provides you tools that I hope will help you love yourself—and others, just a little more."


[ 10ml / $6.99 ]

✔️ What it is -

Rosemary essential oil is derived from Salvia rosmarinus, which is an evergreen shrub with needle-like leaves. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has white, pink or blue flowers. Rosemary essential oil is aromatic oil with medicinal properties.

~My Personal Experience!~

I never liked Rosemary growing up. When my mom would cook with it, I'd always pick the pieces off or just not eat it at all. Once I became an adult and started cooking with it the way I wanted to, I really enjoyed it. Then I tried other Rosemary scented items and I didn't like any of them. The scent was always so nauseating to me until I tried Gya Labs. What I discovered was that the other brands that I didn't like weren't even using real Rosemary.

Gya Labs Rosemary Essential Oil smells so good! When I first opened the bottle, I figured I'd be disgusted by it but I was so wrong. It's a fragrance that draws me in and helps me focus on the task at hand. I would even say that it has potential to relax me if that's what I was focusing on. Then it's invigorating too so if I'm needing to get up and around, it inspires me to get things done.

The crazy cool thing is that it's used for much more than just aromatherapy! It's used for cleaning, skincare, haircare, cooking, pets, bug repellent and a bunch of other stuff too! Gya Labs has tons of information on how you can implement Rosemary Essential Oils into everyday life, on their website. You can check out my list of benefits and uses for this product down below too!

• It's used for aromatherapy in general.
• It helps me focus on whatever I'm trying to get done.
• I added a couple drops to my hand soap for added moisture and for fragrance.
• If I'm having a bad day, this scent helps relax and calm my nerves.
• Adding a couple drops to your conditioner will help nourish and soften your hair. Just make sure to rinse well.
• It can be used to moisturize your skin.
• I use it with a few others to make an all-natural room refresher spray. I keep a bottle of it ready to go, in my bathroom and by my garbage can for easy use.
• The number one way I use it most often is in my defuser. I turn it on when I need to focus or relax.

📇 List of essential oils that Rosemary mixes best with. -

1. Frankincense.
2. Ylang ylang.
3. Thyme.
4. Basil.
5. Petitgrain.
6. Tea tree.

[ 10ml / $9.87 ]

✔️ What it is -

Organic pine needle oil is a natural essential oil extracted from the needles of pine trees through steam distillation. This oil has a fresh, woody, and earthy aroma and is commonly used in aromatherapy.

~My Personal Experience!~

This essential oil is one that I don't know why I never tried before. I have been obsessed with pine scented stuff since I was a kid. My mom was a clean freak. She would constantly use pinesol to clean every room in our house so it's something I grew up smelling every day. Now, having a home of my own, I gravitate towards pine scented cleaning supplies too. If pinesol wasn't toxic, I'd be sniffing it all day long. Call me crazy, but it's an alluring addicting scent. (to me)

Gya Labs Pine Needle Essential Oil smells so fresh and clean. I won't say that it smell like pinesol because that's a chemical but the pine part of the scent smells similar. Just opening the bottle fills my surroundings with the fresh scent of pine. Because of Gya Labs Pine Needle Essential Oil, I can use all-natural household cleaners and still get that pine-fresh scent. I just add a few drops to whichever all-natural cleaner I'm using and it instantly smells incredible.

If you're not as crazy as I am about pine scented cleaners, this scent is perfect for Christmas time. Especially if you use a fake Christmas tree, this essential oil can add the extra pine fragrance to your home for the holidays. Oh yeah, did you know that you can add a few drops to a moisturizing balm to help soothe sore muscles and joints? I didn't know either until I found Gya Labs! Now I use it on my sore hands and it really helps. I've been using it to massage my husband's back and he says he wakes up with less pain in his muscles. You can learn more about this essential oils uses on Gya Labs website. You can also check out my list of benefits and uses for this product down below!

• It can be used for aromatherapy.
• Using it on sore muscles can help relieve stiffness and pain.
• I add it to my all-natural household cleaners for added fragrance.
Pine Needle Essential Oils have been used as a disinfectant.
• It works as an all-natural bug repellent.
• It's known to be a relaxing scent to some people.
• I like mixing it with rosemary for a room refresher spray. They smell great together to me.
• It's perfect for Christmas time. It helps make your house smell like a Christmas tree when you use a fake tree.
• It can help purify the air in your house.

📇 List of essential oils that Pine Needle mixes best with -

1. Thyme.
2. Eucalyptus.
3. Grapefruit.
4. Tea tree.
5. Bergamot.
6. Coriander.
7. Neroli.
8. Cypress.
9. Ravensara.
10. Clary sage.
11. Sandalwood.
12. Spikenard.

✅️ My Conclusion! -

If it isn't obvious yet, I am so impressed with Gya Labs and their essential oils. I can't believe it's taken me this long to start using essential oils. Honestly, I never really knew how many different ways we can use them, other than aromatherapy. Gya Labs is the best company to purchase your essential oils from. With all of the great information they have on their website, you'll be able to find exactly what you're looking for. It doesn't matter what your wanting to use them for because Gya Labs tries to touch all bases for each of their products and their uses. They have answers to so many questions you could have already on their website so you don't have to wait on answers. Gya Labs is absolutely my go-to company for essential oils now. If you're interested in trying essential oils or just learning more about them, you've gotta check them out! I definitely recommend them.

~ Written by Rachael Tam.
~ Photographs by Rachael Tam.
~ Brand - Gya Labs.
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