Just in time for cold season! || Silver Fern Brand's Nano Spray!

 Silver Fern Brand ~ 

A fantastic alternative to drugstore nose sprays!


Hey there, besties! Every year around this time, I end up with sinus infections and colds. Since I was a kid, I've always had a phobia of my nose getting stuffy or dried up and crusty because breathing out of my mouth felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen. I use nose spray on a daily basis and I take an allergy medication and that's when I'm not sick.

When I heard Silver Fern Brand was releasing a nose spray, I knew I had to try it. Today I'm here to tell you all about their new Nano Spray and my first impression of it. Silver Fern Brand was kind enough to gift me a bottle of it and I've purchased a bottle of my own. Learn more about this product down below!

[ 60ml / $23.99 ]

✔️ What it is! -

Nano Spray is Silver Fern Brand’s approach to helping the microbiome of the sinuses. An imbalanced sinus microbiome can cause congestion, reactions, stuffiness, running, dripping, and many other problems.

~My Personal Experience!~

I've been using Nano Spray for around 4 weeks now. The first thing I noticed right away is that it doesn't have a bad scent to it or much of any scent. It mists really lightly so I don't even feel it going in. I didn't notice a huge difference at first but the longer I've been using it, I'm noticing some improvements. Check out my list of benefits for this product down below!

• It's a lightweight mist.
• It doesn't have a chemical scent like drugstore nose sprays do.
• I haven't noticed any burning when I spray it but that's just my personal experience.
• The longer I use it, the more I've noticed it moisturizing the inside of my nose.
Nano Spray is supposed to treat & repair instead of how drugstore sprays only temporarily ease a symptom.
• The silver in Nano Spray doesn't build up in the body. It quickly leaves your system which helps prevent bad side-effects.
• This spray can help reduce congestion and it might help clear out your nasal passageway.
Nano Spray only contains 2 ingredients! Purified Silver and Water. That's it.

✅️ My Conclusion! -

So, when someone uses a nose spray for long periods of time, your symptoms will just get worse and worse. The nose spray becomes less effective too. I know from first hand experience. I've been trying to get my nose used to not needing nose spray but it's incredibly hard when your nose is always stuffy.

To be honest, so far I haven't been able to fully quit using nose spray since starting Nano Spray. I have been using less and less nose spray and I don't need it as often as before. My hopes are that the longer I use it, the better my results will get. I am a firm believer in Silver Fern Brand and their products. Everything I've tried from them has helped me tremendously. Consistency is key though. You've gotta keep at it and give your body time to adjust. Don't give up if you're not seeing instant results. Just trust the process. I definitely recommend them!

~ Written by Rachael Tam.
~ Photographs by Rachael Tam.
~ Products by Silver Fern Brand.
~ For PR Inquiries, email me at - researching4beauty@gmail.com

~ Get my full list of updated brand discount codes at - https://barefoothippieartistry.link/
